Clean Air Rocks at Jersey Smokes
Nothing Rocks like a Great Cigar and Clean Air Shop owner Jerry Cignarella believes in doing things the right way. When he was looking to have his own cigar shop he decided to find the best in the cigar world. He chose the best cigar brands. He came to LakeAir to find the best smoke […]
Cigar Shops are Growing their Business with LakeAir
Surge in Cigar Shop Growth. Over the past several weeks we have seen a surge in new cigar shop openings. Along with a surge in new shops we are seeing many established shops upgrading their air purification equipment. According to Grand View Research The Cigar market growth looks to be over 7% for the time […]
Start Fresh: LakeAir Provides Air Purification for new Cigar Shops
LakeAir is Helping New Cigar Shops Open We field several calls each week from busnesses and individuals who want too open a cigar shop or maybe convert a room in their home into a smoking room. No matter what your smoking related project is you can count on LakeAir. We can provide you with tools […]
Is the Air in your Home Triggering your Allergies
Is the air in your home triggering your allergies? What is in the air in your home? Many of the allergens that are classified as “outdoor allergies” are also found in the home. Because of this symptoms for indoor allergies are much like those for outdoor allergies. Some common allergy symptoms include repetitive sneezing, itchy […]