
IAQ Education

IAQ Education

(IAQ) Indoor Air Quality Education

It is said, “knowledge is power”. It is our goal to empower the visitors of our website with knowledge about the quality of the air around them. IAQ Education will allow you to make informed decisions about the air you, your family, or your co-workers breathe. Informed decisions should not only affect your health but also your pocket book. It is important to make wise investments in both products and practices.


The IAQ Education section of our website will contain many different topics. You will learn the basics of indoor air pollution. Information will be shown about the elements in the air you cannot even see. We will have topical discussions about IAQ technology.  We will look at topics that are in the news. You can suggest topics you would like to see explored as well.

Our Educational Pages

The Following is a list of all of our educational pages. We will give you a brief description of the page and a link to go to that page. At the bottom of this page we invite you to submit topics you would like the experts at LakeAir to present educational material about.

Frequently Asked Question about Indoor Air Quality

The first sign is how the people in your home feel. Many time the people in the home will feel sick often. Common symptoms ae runny eyes, dripping noses, headaches and soar thoats these can all be signs that the air quality in the home may be the culprit.

When possible the best way to clean the air in your home is through Ventilation. Bringing fresh air into your home will do much to make the air more healthy. Sometimes that’s not possible. So look for the source of the indoor air pollution and fix it; Get rid of mold, Move smoking outside, Clean carpets and rugs. If this does not fix the situation consider a HEPA air purifier.

In almost every case smoke from wildfires, factory’s and freeways can work their ways into our homes. If you live in a area that is frequently smoky, consider moving to a location where the air is more clean. If this is not possible, consider adding an air purifier to your home.

It is believed by medical professionals that children exposed to mold for extended periods of time are much more likely to develop Asthma. Asthma is a serious disease that can plague your family throughout their lives. Mold is no joke you should eliminate it at the source. 

The very old and the very young are most likely to suffer the most from poor IAQ. The young have smaller bodies and poor air has a greater affect on them. The very old are often times weaker and therfore have less strength to fight off the affects of bad IAQ. Beyonf that anyone who has existing conditions like COPD or Asthma are going suffer when the air they breathe is less than ideal.

New Education Topics

We are always interested in finding new topics for our website. If you have an idea about something you think we should cover in our educational series, we ask that you email us with your suggestions. The staff at LakeAir will respond to your email and you can bet that an article on your topic will appear on our website soon. As always we welcome you to give us a call at 800-558-9436 and let us know what on your mind.