School Air Purification

School Air Purification

LakeAir Is Ready for Your School

LakeAir can give your school manufacturer direct pricing. We have increased our production volume to turn out more air cleaning products. Please call Randy Bush, The president at 262-632-1229 for product suggestions and the lowest price possible.

Making Schools Safe

COVID-19 is coming under control and schools around the country are bringing students back to classes. As the American population gains herd immunity the imminent threat of the virus has lessened. However this is no time to let down our guard.  Dr. Robert Glatter  from Lenox Hill Hospital in New York urges us to “keep staying the course”  The chief ways to keep our classrooms safe that are  social distancing and reducing the bio-load (amount of COVID-19 in the air).

Watch this Video before you Spend School Dollars on Bi-Polar Ionization

Air Purification is essential for a Healthy School

For air quality standards in schools we look to ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers). In a position paper published in April of 2020 ASHRAE sets forth guidelines for health care and non-healthcare facilities. Schools fall mostly into the non-healthcare segment. Schools with sick rooms and medical rooms should treat those areas as health-care facilities.

Recommendations from ASHRAE for Schools

  • Increase outdoor air ventilation
  • Improve central air and other HVAC filtration to MERV-13 (ASHRAE 2017b) or the highest level achievable.
  • Keep systems running longer hours (24/7 if possible).
  • Add portable or local room air cleaners with HEPA or high-MERV filters.
  • Add duct- or air-handling-unit-mounted, upper room, and/or portable UVGI devices
  • Maintain temperature and humidity as applicable to the infectious aerosol of concern.

The LakeAir Brand has several products that can help schools achieve many of the goals recommended by ASHRAE, CDC, and WHO.

How LakeAir Can Help:

Portable HEPA and High MERV Air Purifiers:
Maxum HEPA:

The Maxum HEPA has a variable speed controller. This allows you to choose the perfect setting for your air purification needs. If the room air becomes extra dirty you can put the unit in turbo mode. At this speed you can clean the air in average classroom 5 times an hour. As the conditions improve, reduce the speed which saves money and lowers the noise level. The HEPA filter is a True HEPA. A True HEPA filter will remove all viruses, bacteria and other indoor air pollution from the air stream. The activated carbon filter is made with virgin carbon produced from coconut shells. This type of carbon is particularly suitable for odors and common VOCs found around the school.

MSRP $775.00 / Bulk as low as $695.00


LakeAir’s electrostatic filtering system works like a pollution magnet, trapping up to 97% of all airborne particles as small as 0.1 micron. The MAX-700 removes mold, dust mites, pet dander, bacteria, pollens and dust particles from the air. Electrostatic filters are equivalent to MERV 16 and remove 95% of COVID size particles. The activated carbon after filter helps to eliminate harmful VOCs and stubborn odors. Classrooms that use the Maxum electrostatic will receive 7 ACH of air purification which will greatly help those who suffer from asthma, hay fever, allergies and other respiratory ailments.

MSRP $975.00 / Bulk as low as $850.00

Permanent HEPA Air Purifiers:
LAFC-RC2 HEPA Air Purifier

The LAFC-RC2-HEPA is a Ceiling Mounted HEPA Air Purifier. It is designed to fit into a 2×4 ceiling grid. It can be mounted or hung from any ceiling as well. The LAFC-RC2 provides 900 CFM of ultra-clean air and will provide almost 10ACH to the average-sized classroom. It has a variable speed control producing form 43 to 65 dB(A) of sound at turbo speed.

MSRP $2295.00 / Call for Bulk Pricing


The LAFC-RC2-HUV provides the highest level of air purification and sanitation. A commercial HEPA filer is Paired with UVGI filtration. The dose from this powerful UVGI is over 700µJ / cm². This product would be an excellent choice in high-risk areas like medical and sick rooms.

MSRP $2695.00 / Call for Bulk Pricing

HEPA and UVGI Bypass Systems:
LAAS-1600 and LAAS-800 Air Scrubber / Bypass

If you have a good air handling system in your school that needs to upgrade its ability to filter the air, consider adding a Bypass / Air Scrubber to its functionality. An air scrubber will remove air from the system’s main ductwork, filter the air and return the air back to the system. We can add 1100 CFM of HEPA and UVGI cleaning power to your school’s existing HVAC unit. The Dual Electrostatic system can add 1800 CFM of MERV 16 clean air.

ASHRAE would like to see all existing systems to be upgraded to at least MERV 13. Many times it is not feasible, or even possible to do without spending 10’s of Thousands of dollars. The Bypass system maybe the best and most cost-effective way to address the needs of our new air filtration reality.

To discuss the possibility of adding Air Scrubbers to your system contact our customer service team @ 800-558-9436 or fill out the contact us information here.

MSRP $2465.00 – 1645.00 Call for specific pricing
