Program Origination
At the 2022 PCA Cigar Show in Las Vegas we introduced the Cigar Shop Affiliate Program. This program allows cigar shops to sell LakeAir products from their brick-n-motor locations or there website. The concept was well received by cigar shop owners who visited our booth.
Program Basics
The first and most important of this program to note is there is no cost or obligation from the shop owners. On the most basic level the cigar shop does not have to do anything but to sign up for the program and place a link to their dedicated landing page on the LakeAir website. We do all the work. The shop owner promotes this program as much or a little as he or she chooses.
When a cigar’s shop customer purchases a product from the LakeAir website the shop owner receives a commission. The shop’s customer also receives a discount. this is a win for The Customer / Shop Owner / LakeAir.
Will My Customers Buy through Me?
Our program is designed to keep your customers loyal to you. When your customer comes to the LakeAir website through your website, email or social campaign, they are identified by a cookie in their browser. This cookie identifies them as your customer and earns them a discount not otherwise available. The cookie is active for several days so even if they buy in the next few days they still get the discount and you get your commission. The short answer is if they want to save money your customers will buy through you.
How Do I Get Paid?
One of the best things about our cigar shop affiliate program is getting paid. When you sign up for our program you will decide how you get paid. You can get paid directly to a credit card or a bank account. You don’t have to request payments they are made automatically every month. You get paid for units, replacement parts and replacement filters. You don’t get paid for returns, refunds, taxes (which we collect) or special charges like lift gate service.
Do I have to add products to my Website?
The simple answer is NO. We will create a custom page for you with your name, logo, store information, and products your would like offered there. If you want to load our products onto your site, we will help you with that too. We use a tool called creatives. Creatives can be used on your website, in your emails or even in your social campaigns.
What Parts of the Sale does LakeAir Cover?
LakeAir Pretty much covers every part of the sale. Here is a list of things covered by LakeAir
- Payment
- Collecting Sales Tax
- Shipping
- Customer Service
- Warranty
- Returns
- Troubleshooting
How do I sign up?
To sign up for the cigar shop affiliate program simply request the program package. You can do that with the link at the bottom, or you can request the information via email [email protected] or call 262-632-1229 or text 862-319-1119
I will personally give you the information you need and will help set up your shop for the Cigar Shop Affiliate Profram.