
Odor Control Air Purifiers

Removing Volatile Organic Compounds is Odor Control

The LA2-RC2-VOC Extractor will remove VOCs from an area of 550 Square feet. Many times this product is run in groups to effectively remove odors, fumes and VOCs from areas both small and large

Remediation is Key!

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While the LA2-RC2-VOC will remove contaminants from the air it does not remove the source. It is important to remove the source of the contamination to be rid of the problem. If the the source of your VOC issue is a process then you will have to deal with it. If the source is contaminated material like a ground spill, the contamination must be removed or the presence of the VOC will likely continue for a very long time.

Custom Media

LakeAir offers custom media blending at no additional cost. If you will provide us with MSDS sheets on the products or chemical that are causing your VOC issue we will work with our Media provider “Hydrosil” to determine the best blend of adsorbants for your application.

Print Shop VOC Control

Printing operations turn out some fabulous looking work. They also produce some nasty fumes.  Modern printing processes  use toners and inks that are likely to contain any number of Volatile Organic Compounds. There are a long list of possible chemicals but some of the more likely are:

  1. Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA): IPA is often used as a solvent in inks and cleaning agents. It evaporates quickly and can contribute to VOC emissions.

  2. Ethanol: Similar to IPA, ethanol is used in some inks and cleaning solutions and can release VOCs during evaporation.

  3. Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK): MEK is a solvent commonly found in inks and adhesives. It is known for its fast evaporation rate and can contribute to VOC emissions.

  4. Toluene: Toluene is often used in solvent-based inks. It has a strong odor and is a VOC that can be released into the air.

  5. Xylene: Xylene is used in certain types of inks and can contribute to VOC emissions. It has a characteristic sweet smell.

  6. Benzene: Benzene may be present in small amounts, especially in older printing processes, and is a known VOC with potential health concerns.

To remove these gases from the air you need to either vent them outside, which can cause a huge humidity issue for printing or capture them via adsorption. Adsorprtion uses the adhesive nature of of atoms to draw VOC molecules into the the structure of your adsorbing media. LakeAir VOC extractors use activated carbon and zeolite as the bulk of their odor removing medias
image of a print shop where VOCs can be a problem
LakeAir Supplies VOC Extractors for many print shop across the county

Body Shop VOC Removal

image of a body shop where a worker is ready to do touch up paint

LakeAir VOC extractors find a home in many body shop. Paint booths are great for full on painting operations but small repairs are often best done without opening up the booth.  Bondo, adhesives, and touch up paint always have some VOCs related to their use. This is a list of  some of the VOCs we are asked to help remove from body shops.

  1. Isocyanates: Found in certain automotive paints and coatings, isocyanates are known to be potent respiratory irritants. They are a key component in some types of two-component automotive paints.

  2. Toluene: Toluene is often present in solvent-based paints, primers, and coatings used in auto body repair. It contributes to the characteristic smell of automotive paint.

  3. Ethylbenzene: Found in some paints and coatings, ethylbenzene is a VOC that can be released during application and drying.

  4. Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene or PERC): Although less common, PERC can be found in some automotive paint strippers and cleaning agents used in auto body shops.

  5. Acetone: While not as persistent as some other VOCs, acetone is present in certain automotive paints and solvents.

It is important that all automotive shops are aware of the dangers associated with the products they use on a regular basis. A powerful VOC extractor can transform a dangerous work places where quality craftmanship is practiced carefully.

Dry Cleaning Service

Modern dry cleaning services are much better than the operations  from a decade ago. Even with the new technology, a need for VOC extraction is common place. We have found that many old operations need to perform air clean up due to chemicals that may have been soaked into the walls and ground. Some of the fumes we find today in a dry cleaning facility are:

  1. Perchloroethylene (PERC): PERC, also known as tetrachloroethylene, has been a widely used dry cleaning solvent. However, due to environmental and health concerns, there has been a shift towards alternative solvents in recent years.

  2. Hydrocarbons: Some modern dry cleaning operations use hydrocarbon-based solvents as an alternative to PERC. These solvents are typically less toxic and have lower environmental impacts.

  3. Siloxanes: Certain silicone-based solvents, known as siloxanes, may be used in some eco-friendly or “green” dry cleaning processes.

It’s important to note that the specific solvents used can vary between dry cleaning establishments, and newer, more environmentally friendly alternatives may be adopted in some operations. As you move your facility into better compliance with local and federal ordinances, know that LakeAir VOC Extractors can help you provide a safe work place and a better neighbor for all.


Other Businesses that LakeAir Can help with odors and VOCs

Here is a short list of other businesses that we have been able to help with Odors and VOCs

  • Boat Manufacturers
  • Sign Manufacturers
  • Fiber Glass shops
  • Marine Fishing Industry
  • Marine Research
  • Funeral Homes
  • Nail Emporiums
  • Coffee Shops
  • Eyelash Manufacturers
  • Makeup Manufacturers
  • Pittsburg Paint Outlets

No matter what business you are in we can help you get your odor issue under control. Whether you are trying to reduce odors or trying to come into compliance with VOC regulations we can help. 

Our systems always work. We will work with industry experts to find the answer for the chemicals that are giving you problems. We have never charged extra for custom media blending.

If you have a VOC issue give our customer service team a call at 800-558-9436. We offer help 7 days a week. You can always reach us at our email address [email protected]

VOC Extraction Media

Activated Carbon

Activated carbon is the most common adsorbing media. The most common source for activated carbon is coconut shells. These shells are fired turning them into charcoal. The charcoal is then exposed to an high temperature oxidizing gas. Many times this is steam. The steam reacts with the carbon to create billions of tiny pours. it is in these pours that atomic bonds are created that adsorbs gas molecules into the porous structure where they are captured.

In making our VOC extracting filters we use a range of carbon crystal sizes. By having irregular shaped carbon we force the polluted air to travel across and through a maze of carbon this tumbling effect helps more gasses to be trapped and leaves the customer with cleaner air.

Activated Carbon odor absorption illustration
Carbon adsorbs VOC molecules through atomic attraction into billions of irregular sized pours
microscopic image of a zeolite crystal structure from resaerch-gate


Zeolite is the second most widely used VOC adsorbing media. It differs from activated carbon in that it acts like a tiny poured sieve to trap molecules and molecules chains.  Certain chemicals are better trapped by zeolite than carbon. 

The pour structure of zeolite is so small it is measured in a unit of measure called angstroms. An angstrom is 1/10,000 of a micron.  the pours in zeolite average between 3 and 8 angstroms across. While small molecules like hydrogen can pass right through  zeolite larger molecules like formaldehyde are often trapped even as separate molecules.

Zeolite is a naturally occurring element.  and readily available for residential and commercial use.  It can be used to purify air, water and even the ground.

Zeolite Absorption Graphic
Zeolite adsorbs Gas Molecules like a sieve with super tiny pours

Custom Sizing

LA5000 and Bigger

The LA2-RC2-VOC is our standard VOC extractor. However we have the ability to go smaller and bigger, MUCH BIGGER. The LA5000 can provide up to 90 pounds of VOC adsorbing media. That will provide a space of  over 2000 square feet with 12 air changes per hour. All of this for a cost of around $3.00 a square foot. If you have a really big job let us put our know-how to work for you.

Maxum VOC

The Maxum VOC is a table top model suitable for small spaces.  It contains 1500 grams of odor adsorber with the ability to provide  300 square feet of odor control @ a rate of 12 air changes per hour. The experts at Hydrosil suggest that you circulate your voc laden air 12 times an hour for best results.

Sketch of a LA5000 industrial Air Purifier

Smoking Related Odors

LakeAir Odor Controlling Smoke Eaters

LakeAir makes many different smoke eaters that are tremendous at removing both smoke and odors A full line of these products can be found on our smoke eater page. We will list a couple of our favorites here. 


LA 2000-OC Odor control for smoking bars.

The LA2000-OC is used in bars all across America. The LA2000-oc is a pre-Covid product that has been popular a long time. Great bars like “The Corner Bar” in Coeur d’Alene use this product to give the cleanest air in town.
