
Air Purifier for Cigarette Smoke

Removing Cigarette Smoke from your home

LakeAir has been providing air purifiers to remove cigarette smoke from homes since 1968. Over the years there have been many changes in our products, but one thing has never changed. They work well at removing smoke for the air in your home. Cigarette smoke is one of the tougher indoor air pollution problems faced by consumers. To do the job well you need an air purifier with the fan strength to draw smoke into it. Depending on the number of cigarette smokers 


Proven Filter Technology

LakeAir cigarette smoke smoke eaters use proven technologies. We use the same type of filters recommended to remove smoke by the engineers of the countries most trusted organization of air purification. We follow the lead set by ASHRAE.  This group suggests HEPA and Electrostatic filters to help remove smoke from indoor air. They also, to a lesser extent recommend high MERV rated filters. MERV 14 and lower are not recommended for smoke removal by this body. Both of these filter types have their place in the air purification industry. read more to help you decide which technology will be the best fit for your personal situation.

Proven Over Time

Both of these technologies have been around for more than 100 years. Electrostatic filtration was introduced in in 1907 over the years it has become widely used in air purification. On a large scale electrostatic cells are used to remove tons of smoke from the air in power plants and factories across our county. Early HEPA filters were used in World War I to protect shipping by reducing smoke. Both of these filtration methods have been working to help Americans. Today you can use the same technologies to protect your home and business.

HEPA Filters get rid of Cigarette Smoke in one Simple Step

HEPA Filter Repurposing

HEPA filters are designed to remove all of the smoke in one step. The powerful blower pulls the smoke into the filter where it is trapped forever.  As you can see from the image to the left, LakeAir HEPA filter use a deep mini pleat design to create more filter surface area and capture  smoke. Competitors filters use smaller and cheaper filters.  LakeAir HEPA filters are not cheap but they last longer and work better than any other filter you are likely to find. Our HEPA filters have a long life. you will only need to change the HEPA filter once a year when used for home smoke capture. Commercial venues should consider changing HEPA filter every 6 months. Below we feature 3 very good choices for HEPA filtration in your home. The Maxum HEPA will clean the air for one smoker in a 500 square foot room. The MAX Guard HEPA is good for larger areas and offers extra odor control. For the best odor control choose the MAX Guard HEPA-120. This HEPA Cigarette smoke eater features a 2000 gram  (4.5 pounds of Activated odor adsorbing crystals) odor control filter.

  • 500 CFM  ~ 495 CADR
  • Removes 99.97% of all smoke
  • 10 Air Changes Per Hour in 500 Sq. Feet.
  • 300 gram Carbon Filter x 0.75″ Filter bed
  • Table Top / Floor
  • $795.00
  • 900 CFM  ~ 890 CADR
  • Removes 99.97% of all smoke
  • 10 Air Changes Per Hour in 900 Sq. Feet.
  • 1000 gram Carbon Filter x 1.5″ Filter bed
  • Floor Model on casters (Portable)
  • $2500.00
  • 900 CFM  ~ 890 CADR
  • Removes 99.97% of all smoke
  • 10 Air Changes Per Hour in 900 Sq. Feet.
  • 2000 gram Carbon Filter x 3.0″ Filter bed
  • Floor Model on casters (Portable)
  • $2500.00

Electrostatic Filter Cells add a Money Saving Alternative

HEPA filters are effective and expensive. An electrostatic filter cell is nearly as effective so long as you keep it clean. These filters lose 1-4 % effectiveness each week as they get dirty. However they are easy to wash. Just run them through the dishwasher and you are back to inexpensive and effective smoke control.  LakeAir offers many electrostatic cigarette air cleaners. Below we are featuring 3 of the most popular electronic cigarette smoke removers.  The Maxum Electrostatic is great for one smoker in a room of up to 200 square feet. The MAX-700 can handle areas up to 475 square feet. The MAX Guard protects up to 1100 square foot area. All of these room sizes are calculating with a 10 air changes per hour standard. 

  • 275 CFM  ~ 265 CADR
  • Removes 97% of all smoke
  • 10 Air Changes Per Hour in 200 Sq. Feet.
  • 30 gram Carbon Filter x 0.375″ Filter bed
  • Table Top / Floor
  • $700.00
  • 650 CFM  ~ 630 CADR
  • Removes 97% of all smoke
  • 10 Air Changes Per Hour in 475 Sq. Feet.
  • 300 gram Carbon Filter x 0.75″ Filter bed
  • Table Top / Floor
  • $995.00
  • 1500 CFM  ~ 1450 CADR
  • Removes 97% of all smoke
  • 10 Air Changes Per Hour in 1100 Sq. Feet.
  • 1000 gram Carbon Filter x 1.5 ” Filter bed
  • Floor Model on casters (Portable)
  • $2800.00

Remove Cigarette Odor with Carbon Filtration

What's Worse the Smoke or the Odor?

You would think this is an easy question, “the smoke of course” but you would be surprised how many times we find that the odor is a bigger concern than the smoke itself.  Its for reasons like this that LakeAir Smoke Eaters always have carbon filtration. We offer many different odor control options. There is a cigarette home smoke eater for just about any situation. 

So, how do we get rid of the horrible smell created by cigarettes and their awful butts? It starts with emptying the ashtray into an air tight container. The other is good activated carbon filtration. Depending on how important cigarette odor control is to you your choice in air cleaners will vary

Carbon Filter construction illustration

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How does Carbon remove cigarette odor?

Activated Carbon odor absorption illustration

Cigarette odor travels as a gas. This gas is very small, way too small to be trapped by any common filter. The odor molecules travel through the main filter and enter into a bed of carbon crystals. These carbon crystals have billions of tiny pours. Through the phenomena of adsorption the odor molecule are attracted to carbon crystal. the molecules enter into the tiny pours and are trapped there.

The more carbon that is contained in a filter the more odor it can hold. The longer the filter bed (the width of the filter that the odor gases have to travel through) the more odor that is adsorbed in each pass through the carbon.

After some time a carbon filter will have adsorbed all the cigarette odor it can. When this happens, odor will be released into the air. Carbon can’t be washed and its not practical to recharge it so you will have to throw it away and get a new one.

What sizes of Cigarette Odor Control Filters are Available?

LakeAir Offers a number of cigarette odor control filters in different sizes. These filters range from 0.375 inches to 4.5 inches. They range in weight from 10 grams to 2750 grams (less than an ounce to 4.5 pounds). These carbon filters fit into different size cigarette air purifiers below is a listing of the different units and the corresponding odor control filters they are capable of using. If you need help sizing odor control filters for your home or business, please give our customer service team a call at 800-558-9436. We are available 7 days a week to help you find the right clean air solution for your home or business.


Maxum Air Purifier Line

  • Standard carbon filter /  10 grams x 0.375 inch bed
  • Super Carbon filter / 300 grams x 0.75 inch bed
  • 2.5 Carbon filter / 900 grams  x 2.25 inch filter bed
  • These filters are also available in the CM2-RC2 model as well

MAX Guard Air Purifier Line

  • 499075 1.5  / 1000 gram x 1.5 inch filter bed
  • 499060 3.0  / 2000  grams x 3.0 inch bed
  • These filters are also available in the WM-RC2, LAFC-RC2 models as well

LA2-RC2 Air Purifier Line

  • 4990060  3.0  / 2000  grams x 3.0 inch bed
  • 499025 4.5 / 2750 grams  x 4.5 inch filter bed
  • The LA2 can hold two of the 499025 filters for a combined 5500 gams x 9.0 inch filter bed.

Variable Speed Control Power when you need it quiet when you don't

Is your air purifier to loud?

One of the biggest complaints people have about air purifiers is they are TOO LOUD! Its not surprising because it takes a good amount of air movement to remove indoor air pollution. Air purifiers move large amounts of air through small openings. This rush of air is what causes the extra noise. The motors themselves are pretty quiet its all that clean air that makes the noise. 

Air purifiers tend to create between 40 and 70 decibels of sound. Anything above 70 decibels can be harmful to the human ear. If your Air purifier or one you are considering buying  has a set number of speeds, be sure to check the noise level at each speed. 

LakeAir residential models have top end noise levels below the 70 decibel threshold.  We build a great deal of customization in to all our products. We want them to work how you want them too, when you want them to.


More than likely you will find you need different levels of cigarette smoke control at different times. Sometimes you might want all the air purification you can get. When you turn your LakeAir Unit all the way up its going to be loud. That’s what powerful air purifiers do. 

LakeAir air purifiers and smoke eaters are equipped with variable speed control. So, when you want less background noise turn the unit speed down. If you need more cigarette smoke removal turn the speed up. It shouldn’t take long to find an operating speed that works just right for your personal situation. 

Why LakeAir For Cigarette Air Filtration

There are many choices for the consumer when it comes to air purifiers. If you find yourself asking why should I buy a LakeAir cigarette air purifier, we would like to give you a few reasons to consider.  Here is a list of reasons why you should purchase from LakeAir.

  1. LakeAir Targets Smoke Filtration
  2. Long Lasting Filters both washable and disposable
  3. Product Durability
  4. Made in the USA
  5. Energy Ffficient
  6. Green Manufacturing

Targeted Smoke Filtration

LakeAir products work well at removing all kinds of indoor pollution. We spend a great deal of time focusing on smoke removal. As we develop new products we keep our eye on the smoking industry. We are the only American Manufacturer who is a member of the Premium Cigar Association. This group works to keep your right to smoke cigarettes and cigars safe and in tact. We want to help you enjoy your love of smoking (no matter what product) in a safe and responsible manner.  

LakeAir has been providing air purification for homes and businesses since 1968. We focus much of our efforts on HEPA  and Electrostatic air purifiers that remove smoke. When we test new products like the MAX Guard portable home air purifier, that is done in test spaces that are like your living room. we use real smoking material and situations that ensure that when you get a LakeAir product home, it will work the way you are counting on.

Long Lasting and washable filters

HEPA filter That last a whole year

Our HEPA filters are robust. They are made of a thick mini pleat construction that adds large dust load capability. Filters with large dust loads they do not have to be replaced as often as competitor filters. The competitor  featured to the right claims their HEPA filter will last a year. The fact is smokers tell us they are usually good for less than 60 days. 

Notice that the LakeAir HEPA filter has 4 times more volume then then the competitors. The LakeAir HEPA has  more of a rugged design. The LakeAir filter is commercial in design. The Rabbits filter barely makes a residential grade.

Comparison of LakeAir HEPA filter and Rabbit Air HEPA Filter

Washable Filters.

This is a washable filter from the LakeAir Max Guard. This filter is the same filter used in LakeAir products that have been around for over 30 years. In fact there are still hundreds of these 30 year old filters still in operation removing dust and smoke in peoples homes across America. Our filters perform very well. They are made to work hard in your home to keep the cigarette smoke away from your family and pets. 

These filters fit into almost any dishwasher. Be sure to wash them alone. Use a quality dishwashing soap. Our customers report Cascade Platinum works wonders at removing cigarette tar from the filter cell.

Energy efficiency

Commercial Air Purification @ less than 200 watts

We test all of our products  for energy use. Our dual blower MAX Guard was recently tested running in a customers home at 145 watts of power usage. The Customer reported it was not all the way up. He went on to say it worked so well turning it on high was kinda silly. To the right we show you the cost if you were to run this product at full speed  for 12 hours a day.  its less than 215$ a year.

Image shows cost of 200 watts on average

Product Durability

Generational Products

LakeAir is indeed an old fashion company in some respects. We believe that product should last a long time. In fact we aim to have our products be “generational”. This means it is our aim that a product should last an entire generation. A generational product should have expectations as to be handed down to the next generation.

LakeAir cigarette air cleaners are designed to last many years, even decades. The parts are easily replaced. The frame is all metal and not likely to break or crumble like plastic. Exposure to UV rays isn’t going to weaken our products. original parts last 15 or more years. Frames and chassis can last 30 or more years. LakeAir believes your children should be able to use the air purifiers you buy today in their lives as adults 

Universal Wire Harness

The image above is just one part that promotes product durability. This is a wiring block we use in many of our models. With this design anyone can easily make repairs to  one of our products. This innovative design allows plug and play swapping of parts. lift a lever, insert proper colored wire and you are good to go.

Product Comparisons

In our travels to different smoking conventions the product we see most as a potential competitor is the Rabbit Air  Rabbit does a phenomenal job at marketing their product.  They are consistently in the top 10 list across America. While the Rabbit Air is a decent air purifier it doesn’t even come close to our product in the same class. Out product is the Maxum HEPA. lets take a quick look at the two products. We will let you decide which is the better product for you.

Maxum HEPA

  • Maxum HEPA
  • True HEPA 99.97% efficient
  • CFM Range  500 – 150 CFM
  • Sound range 60-38
  • Max Power Use 150 watts
  • Noise level at 218 CFM  43 dB(A)
  • Energy Usage  218 CFM  89 watts
  •  Max room size 4 cycles per hour  1000 sq ft
  • Large odor control carbon filter Included
  •  Cost $795.00
  • Made in the USA

Rabbit Air MinusA2

  • Rabbit Air MinusA2
  • H13 HEPA 99% efficient
  • CFM Range  58 – 218 CFM
  •  Sound range 51.3 – 25.6
  • Max Power Use 61 Watts
  • Noise level at 218 CFM 51.3 dB(A)
  • Energy Usage 218 CFM 61 watts
  • Max room size 4 cycles per hour 408 sq ft
  •  Carbon filter $50.00 extra
  • Cost $619.95
  • Made in South Korea

What LakeAir Smoke Removal Customers have to Say on Google

We know how important customer product testimonials are to consumer confidence. We will try to keep adding  more Testimonials as we come across them. You can find these same reviews on the review sites we cite. We work hard to keep our customers happy and we will work hard to earn your continued business. You can buy with confidence at LakeAir.

Linda Beochia

The Lake Air Smoke Eater we purchased has been better than we ever imagined. My husband is a committed cigar smoker and this machine keeps my home smelling fantastic. As far as customer service goes this company has been lovely and accommodating in every way. I recommend Lake Air to everyone. Thanks

Nicolsa Lim

In a cigar lounge, clean air is key to happy customers. LakeAir filters have delivered day in and day out, the best service ever. Their customer service is always helpful and Randy (the owner) has been extremely helpful on many occasions.

Bud Anderson

the smoke eater/air filter is just what we needed.. the unit randy recomended was perfect for our application. we have been using it for 6 months with no problems or complaints. i would highy recomend lake air if you are in need of an air perification unit. awsome customer service as well.. THANKYOU RANDY FOR ALL YOUR HELP

Sheri Deludos

BEST customer service! Easy to reach and always go above and beyond!