


  • 1500 CFM
  • Electrostatic (washable) 97% Efficient
  • 2750 Gram 4.5 Carbon Filter
  • High Volume and Extra Odor Control
  • Size 22″x 21″ x 19″
  • Ceiling & Wall Mount

Please Choose A Control Method

Control Method

WAll Switch Control with No WIFI is the Default Product Configuration !

Run Wire from Unit to wall switch
Plug into wall outlet. On / Off & Speed Control at unit only
run wire to wall switch. On / Off and Speed Control at wall + WIFI Control
Plug unit into Wall Outlet. On /Off and Speed Controls in App Only
Product price: $2,800.00
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Exceptional Smoke Odor Control

The LA2-RC2-EOC offers a lot of smoke and superior odor control for and smoky environment. The washable electrostatic filter removes 97% of all air borne smoke. The electrostatic cell is made of high quality aluminum and will provide you 15+ years of filter service. We have this very same filter in service for over 35 years. The filter has no moving parts so there is very little to wear out. Occasionally n ion wire will break during cleaning but that is easily replaced.

The 5 chamber carbon filter contains 2750 grams of virgin activated carbon. The air stream is directed through the carbon bed instead of over the carbon. This results in more odor being removed in each pass. If your goal is to clean the air fast, the LA2-RC2-EOC is a great choice.

Electrostatic is a Favorite Technology

Electrostatic is a favorite of many cigar lovers. This technology adds a negative charge to smoke particles which are then trapped on collecting plates. The filtration is up to 97% efficient. This efficiency drops off if the electrostatic filter is not cleaned regularly. Electrostatic filters are washable and last decades. By washing the filter as opposed to replacing it the cigar smoker can save hundreds of dollars each year.

Electrostatic filter can be just the answer to your cigar smoke filtration question. Lets take a look at a few more of the aspects of this type of filtration: The filter uses high voltage to charge and capture cigar smoke particles. That same high voltage will make your filter sound like a bug zapper when large particles enter it or if it is in bad need of washing. Washing of the filters is easily done in a standard home dishwasher. The image to the right shows a MAX Guard filter sitting in a portable dishwasher. We had to remove the sliver ware try but it fits well and cleaned up nicely. When washing an electrostatic filter by soaking, rinsing and allowing to dry, we figure it takes a little over an hour of your time, and the dry time is 2-3 hours

Illustration of electrostatic smoke removal process
Electrostatic Filter can be washed in a dishwasher

Getting Rid of Odor

It seems that the main complaint about cigars is the odor. Removing the cigar odor from the air is so important that we have designed some units to have a smaller smoke  filter capacity to allow for more odor absorption.  Removing cigar smoke from the air is a pretty straight forward process. If you use the right filters the smoke is gone in just a cleaning cycle or two. Cigar smoke odor however is a bit trickier. Cigar odor is removed from the air using an odor absorbing media. The best media around for stogie odor is activated carbon.

The primary filter removes the smoke from the air. The odor in gaseous form remains and travels through the carbon filter. In the carbon filter the odor molecules come into direct contact with the carbon crystal and are absorbed. This absorption isn’t automatic. It takes a certain amount of time for carbon to soak up the odor. This amount of time is known as residence time. The longer odors are in direct contact with the activated carbon the more of the odor that is removed. 

For this reason its a good idea to leave your smoke eater on for a few hours after the smoking has stopped. The unit uses very little power so you needn’t worry about excessive electrical bills. Keeping the odor removal process going helps prevent odors from entering the soft good in the room.  Many establishment spend thousands of dollars on furniture, so take extra care to completely remove the odor

Activated Carbon odor absorption illustration

Save Money on Replacement Filters

LakeAir offers a filter subscription plan for this carbon filter. The standard price of the  is $225.00, when you purchase through the filter subscription you save $25.00 and get free shipping. Why not take advantage of the subscription. You will never forget to change your filter and you will save every time you replace it. Filter subscriptions are available in 4 and 6 month billing intervals.


Cleaning Volume 1500 CFM
Filter Slot 1 97% Efficient Electrostatic Filter
Filter Slot 2 5 Chamber 2750 gram Carbon Filter
Unit Size 21.5 x 20.5 x 19 inches
Unit Weight 110 pounds
Power 120v AC 4.5 amps / max
Control  Variable Speed  Unit or Wall
Finish Black or White Vinyl Coated Steel

Installation Specifics

The LA2-RC2-EOC can be mounted in a number of ways. Popular ways include wall mount brackets, hung from chains and with Unistrut as shown in the images below.  

LA2-RC2 Smoke eater placed on a drywall lift ready to be lifted to the ceiling for mounting.

Smoke eater is secured to a drywall jack for easy lifting. These Jack can be rented for as little as $30.00 a day. Simply turn the crank the smoke eater rises to the height of installation.

Once the unit is in place the Unistrut is screwed to the rafters. This particular installation is taking place in an Old Virginia Tabaco Co location. The building is nearly 140 years old

Here we see the LA2-RC2 smoke eater securely hung from the ceiling. The remote speed control wiring will be added and the the unit can be operated from the ground as it removes smoke in the cigar shop.

The most common method is hung from the ceiling by chains or cables. We prefer to opt for chains as they are easier to work with. We suggest a 3/16 inch chain link. These chain are over rated for our needs but they provide a safe mounting system and give a look of professional installation. We sell chain, turn buckles and quick links to make any installation a simple job. 

Easy to do Wiring

Connecting the wires to the LA2-RC2 is very easy especially when you use our optional wire kits. The full directions are in the owners manual.

Wires are color coded for simple identification. Connect like colors with the lever nuts supplied 

Wiring Detail for wall mount of potentiometer

Simple directions show you how to connect the potentiometer to the wire from the LA2-RC2 and from the buildings power.

Directions to attach the face Plate for Potentiometer mounting

After the wires are all connected, fasten the mounting plate and potentiometer. Add the wall plate and control knob and you are ready to go.

Additional information






Ceiling, Wall


97% to 0.1 Micron


12 months, 4 month, 6 month




Cannablend, Carbon, Electrostatic


Ceiling Hung, Wall Mount


5 ~ 4.5 / 1800-2800 gram


Variable Speed Control


115 Volt


110 – 120 Pounds

General sqft

At least 500 square feet @ 4 ACH, At Least 625 square feet @ 6 ACH, At Least 800 square feet @ 6 ACH, At Least 1050 square feet @ 6 ACH, At Least 1150 square feet @ 6 ACH, At Least 1250 square feet @ 6 ACH, At Least 1350 square feet @ 6 ACH, At Least 1500 square feet @ 6 ACH, At Least 1550 square feet @ 6 ACH, At Least 1850 square feet @ 6 ACH, At Least 2050 square feet @ 6 ACH

Control Method

Single On Board WIFI, Wall Switch No WIFI, On Board No WIFI, Single WIFI at Wall Switch


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